
My artistic practice focuses on the loss of biodiversity and reduction in insect populations due to climate change and human interference in insect life cycles.

As I move forward in my explorations, I am turning my reflections to human empathy for nonhumans. Awareness that we are sharing our immediate environment with hundreds of little beings is often the first step to observing the world around us and thinking about the impact we have on this microfauna.

IntersecT is an augmented reality web app that allows us to view observations that have been recorded by users through the iNaturalist network within 1 kilometer of our location.  The observations appear as spheres that differ in size based on proximity. Clicking on those spheres allows us to view a photo of the insect or other arthropod and the species name.

  • On an iOS phone, open the link on Safari
  • On an Android phone, open the link on Chrome


This web app was created with AR.js technology and pulls data from the open-source iNaturalist database. 


IntersecT was created by Valérie Chartrand as an exploration through the MFA program at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Thank you to Nicolò Carpignoli for his assistance with this project.


Add your observations to IntersecT! Any observations added through the iNaturalist app or website will immediately be available through IntersecT. Register today and join the iNaturalist global species observation and sharing network.